Thursday 8 June 2017


The life of service trails from a joyous union with God,
The fecundity of our mission enlivens us to meet people.
the grip of right fulfillment passes away with a nod,
the exuberant bliss of welcome dawns me as feeble.
I meet people in every phase and so, life goes on,
I ponder over some realities which have I experienced.
I seek something immeasurable in heavy loads of ton,
I carry the message of others in my hearts at last.

As my conscience invites me to transform this beautiful process,
Why should I always see the meet of others as MEET
Can I not just impose the real meaning urging me to tell it out,
Therefore I realize my call that I need to TWEET if I have a MEET.

For Tweet make the MEET more meaningful,
For Tweet reinforces hope of a real MEET.
Thus, let us TWEET about Jesus,
As we MEET all people in our lives……….   

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