Wednesday 7 June 2017

Make your presence FELT>>>


Make your presence FELT>>>

Record your memories, register your names in golden panels
For the engravings of your remembrance ought to be praiseworthy,
Oh, inspite of longing, can the time be retrieved again what was lost,
Can the joyful moments appear back and satisfy our inner self.

I was hooked up in myself, neglecting the sufferings of others,
Today it was indeed a manifestation for me to catch up life’s philosophy,
A sorrow penetrated my soul, discouragement took control easily,
Simple events of life simply dragged my feet to the Chapel.

There I found the answer to my deep-felt and unanswered questions,
I affirmed it as I got inspirations through God’s agents.
“MAKE YOUR PRESENCE FELT”, these refrain echoed in my ears,

N’ Instills in me the hope that OUR PRESENCE should be made felt.

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