Tuesday 10 April 2018


"Social media spark a revelation that we, the people, have a voice, and through the democratization of content and ideas we can once again unite around common passions, inspire movements, and ignite change”, says Brian Solis, a great Spokesman.  

Due to the non-functional and improper visual images with slow movement of TV, and the earlier used media DVD players, we planned to buy a new TV for the purpose of ensuring that Media reaches all of us in the community in the best way as possible as it could be. The newly bought LED TV in our Refectory also with the advanced features of pen drive option and more of channels available helped us to use it for showing the community NEWS especially in times of need. 

Thus communicating through mike was a common affair during our everyday prayer moments and especially during the meetings and for important announcements. The music player was also used in times of birthdays, celebrations and for welcoming others. Apart from all this, we all Sisters as well as our house-girls were permitted to view one Tamil or any other language based movie once a month, specifically on a holiday or a Sunday. In order to prove some fascinating facts or for the use of Seminar, Recollection talks and relevant issues, Media was used profusely. The spark ignited from the flame touched us as we became aware of the rays that inspire us to be converted to the demands that it asks of us. 
 Even during our special moments of prayer and to increase our fervor while preparing the liturgy, we implement its usage. During the most auspicious day of our community day, we also relaxed by dancing, music and expressing ourselves freely and thus made our minds more refreshed. Then, we entered the open space of the grounds to enjoy the company of each other through the short song videos produced by our Sisters favoring us to build up mutual love for each other and thus grow gracefully in the field of relationships. Further, we have our goodnights every month of 24th with the message of every Provincial using the medium of net. Not forgetting, the Print Media also paved way as Sundays and other leisure times were spent reading the weekly magazines, fortnightlies, bimonthlies etc. 

“ The work will wait while you show the child the rainbow, but the rainbow won;t wait while you do the work. So, LET’S BEGIN OUR WORK OF EVANGELIZATION THROUGH MEDIA>>>


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