Power lies not in one’s hands but
under His control,
We get frustrated easily when power
is ultimately lost,
Seeker of riches, oh, thy soul
shall perish in anguish,
For the long-lasting power alone
shall crown thy glory.
Man seems harmless, puny and quite
natural in domain,
But when power takes the upper
hand, then lo,
What a dreadful fall he has and a
turnover happens,
For it brings ruin, misery, fear
and worries all over.
Oh, today you are like this and lo,
tomorrow how would you be,
For till yesterday, you had a grip
on yourself and your words,
But now all rush out like a gust of
breeze from nowhere,
I don’t say it simply, hey, fear
rules in at this gesture,
For we cannot stand by our side
carelessly at all times,
Coz, ya, power exists from Adam to
the newborn baby of this era.
So, let’s not judge the power of
the real POWER,
Rather unravel the mysteries of the
power that lies within us.