An easiest way all prefer to take up in life is,
To dive without a moments’ notice
I would say, Life is a struggle, a beautiful
Nothing is worth it unless you strive for it.
Drop every fear for it pulls up the weapon of
One R brings up another R in store,
Risk in due time and patience bores up the fruit of Reward,
A competitive edge is waiting for you outside
And so get a nerve to pull up your sleeves,
For risk taking is not only an army’s game,
But rather a life sport that all plays at some
mode of their life.
You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take,
Man cannot discover new oceans unless he has,
the courage to lose sight of the shore.
In the end we only regret,
The chances that we missed close at hand.
If you are not willing to risk the unusual,
Then be prepared to be settled with the ordinary.
So, ok, RISK for every risk worth taking as
long as,
It’s for a good cause and it contributes to a GOOD